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I resigned.

Since I am the one initiating the "breakup," I thought I would be more prepared for goodbyes.

Turned out, I am not very good at it.

It was not easy to say goodbye to people whom I res

pect and trust; to work that I enjoy and love.

How lucky for me to be able to say it was a choice to stay, and also a choice to leave.

Throughout the 6 years, I tried saying the following with students through words and actions.

Since I can no longer do that, I want to put it in text.

  1. You did a great job getting into a good university. Now instead of doing more of what you did. Do things that you feel uncomfortable, and be comfortable with it.

  2. Grades don't matter. Learning does. Find a way of learning that suits you.

  3. People. Build that relationship, with others and with yourself. With love and respect.

  4. Find ways to sustain you at your lows. Running, dancing, singing, painting, anything.

  5. You belong. You don't need to fit in.

  6. Develop your strengths, don't worry too much about your weaknesses.

  7. Go see the world and be kind.

These are things I intend to keep practicing. We got this.

Photo: Freddie, the tree I high-fived every time I walked by. He's a good one.

My heart is filled with gratitude.

The kind messages, cards and letters I received from colleagues, students and a parent (!!) made my departure a little easier.

Thank you for the ride. Goodbye!

p.s. I resist using chatGPT to edit my poor writing, because it's the mistakes that made me. You're welcome.

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